
Sunday, May 6, 2007


iitk paper Hughes 2001.

There are 2 sections. One contains 20 question from aptitude and another has
30 question from technical(for both CSE and EE).I attmpted only CSE section so
there i m with CSE section.


1) In a room all except 18 peoples are of more than 50 years. There are 5
peoples of less than 50 year age. How many peoples are in the room.

ans : u can't find out from this much information.

2) party consist of grandmother, father, mother, 4 sons and their wives, each
son has 1 son and 2 daughters. total number of females in party.

ans: 14

3) Avg of 5 consecutive nos. is n. If next two nos are also added to find
the average then average is

ans: increased by 1.

4)If A & B works in the ratio 5:6, what will be the
ratio of their
times in
which they finish?
ans: 6:5

5) boat travelling upstream speed and downstream
(speed given). find
speed in
still water
ans: 2 hrs

6)Bus speed excluding stoppage 54 kmph. with stoppage
45 kmph. for how
long will it stop on the stoppage?
ans: 10 min

7) (10^n - 1) is divisible by 11 only if
ans: n is always even

8) A man travels 14 hrs 40 min. First half of the
journey is covered by train at 60 kmph. second half at 50
kmph by bus. what is the total distance travelled.
ans: 800

9) av. temp from mon to wed is 37 degree C av. temp from tue to thu is
34 degree C. Temp of thursday is 4/5 th that of monday. what is temp of
ans: 36 degree C

10) A number when multiplied by 423 was gives 65589 of which the two 5's
were wrong and all the other digits are correct.
What are the correct nos?
ans: 60489.

11) A rupee coin is placed on plain paper. How many coins can be placed there such
that it touches the central and adjacent coins.
ans: 6.

12)one question was on numbers. one digits is mising and u have to find least value of
it so that it must divisible by 8.
ans: 3.

13) = n(n+1)/2.
u have to find where m = <5>.
Ans: 120.

14)Sushil age is 3 times what snehal's was 6 years back.
6 year ahead it'll be 5/3 times snehal's. find age of someone
i couldn't remeber

15) 2^n + 2^(n-1)/2^(n+1) - 2^n is equal to
ans: none of them ( 1/4).

16) there is 40kg milk. 4 kg taken and and in remaning 4 kg water is mixed to make it
40kg again. Process is two more time. U have to tell how much is the milk is the vessel.
ans: sorry i couldn't remeber.

17) An amount of rupees can be paid to A as wages for 21 days & B for
28 days. If it has to be paid for both how many
days will it last ?
ans: 12 days

Sorry guys 3 questions i couldn't remember.

Technical for CSE guys.
Again sorry as i haven't attmpted this section so i couldn't remember it completely.

1)Semaphore is used with which IPC mechanism
a) message queue
b) shared memory

2) MS-DOS and os/2 file allocation techinque used
b) contiguous

3)Memroy management scheme in intel
c)2level paging
d)3 level paging

4) one on left recursive are given.u have to remove it.

5) 5 question on oracle..ooofff

10) u defined some exception but haven't raised it in function.
what will happen at compile time..

11)A C function is defined in one file.
now in other file this file is not included.
and function with the same name is declared extern
and later used it.
u have to tell the line having error at compilation.

12) IP address size in IPv6

13) sliding window protocol is used in which layer

14) u have to invoke base class function from derived one. How to do that.

15) RS232 is called
a)serial port
c)SCSI d)

16) hard disks cylinder size,sector size etc. information is kept in

17) what processor does when interrupt arises
a)stops execution
b)acknowledge the interrupt

18)NICE system call of unix

19)Parse tree can be represented as
a)linked list b)adjacency list c) both d) none

20) insertion sort and heap sort compelxities.

21) O(loglog n) is better then O(log n) for
a)smaller values of n b) larger c) both d) none.

22) DHPC is used for
a) assigning automatic IP addresses.

That's all in my memory.

Ashok Bhatt

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