
Sunday, May 6, 2007

HUGHES @ IISc 2000


q1) special charracter of c++ regarding oop;
a) funs overloading, b?) polymerisation vc) virtual funs d) data
int i=4000;
int j=9000;

f( int *a, int *b)
int *temp;
f1(int *a,int *b)
3) using delaration ---- namespace funda;
4) few questions on inheritence including protcted --- pointer to base
derived class.

5) port address is unique at
a)globaly, b)...
6) ((5+4)*8)*(16+9)*5) convert to prefix
7) there r 2 dices. probabilty to get 7
a) 5/36 b) 7/36 c) 1/36 d) 9/36

8) 4R balls, 5G , 6Y,5O balls. no. of balls are kept linearly . no
permutayion that similar color balls will be together.
20! , 6!5!, 4!5!, none

9) a man has color blindness then what will be permutations. ans
may be
24,2,10, none

10_ if the man has closes his eye and arranges then what is the
20,12,24, none

11 3 boys: 3 girls a,b,c: x,y,z a,c unmarried , a& b have a dog. a
the dog will be with his wife. B's wife thinks that her dog is with
husband. they r seated in a line c can sit near x but not near y,z.
they have to sit like the distace between dogs is near.
no. of seats between dogs
( one dog is at first other is at 5th)

12) tell the sequence azcxyb
13) X.42 is in which layer
14) TCMP or somewhat like this protocol
15) -------!---------!--------
! !
! R

ans) clipper , damper, rectifier, trigger ckt

flush as in toilet can be considered electricallyas
a) capaciter b) inductor c) trigger ckt

17) haruard code is
a) orthogonal b) 1

18) which is better
1)semaphore,2) monitor c).....

19 single bit parity checketr can detect
1) 1 bit error 2) 2 bit error etc

20motion estimation is used in
1) satellite 2) communication 3) video

1. What does compiler do? (b is correct)
a. memory management b. symbol table c. -- d.-
2. Kerberos used for- Authentication and security.
3. RSA Algorithm
4. One digital ckt.(simple)
5. One K-map (simple)
6. Min no. of operations in worst case input for - Heap Sort
7. 3 device serially connected, each having a probability of 0.9 of
failing. Combined prob. Of the entire ckt to work-0.729 (according
8. CONNECT BY command in DBMS
9. Projection in DBMS
10. Program Counter incremented in - Fetch Phase
11. You have to delete a given node in a singly connected link list.
What is
the order of no. of nodes to be traversed - O(n) (acc. To me)
12. Hit ratio for first level cache is 0.9 and access time 100ns, for
second level cache is 0.9 and access time 400ns, memory access
1000ns. Find time to access an address- 140ns
13. Ping is in - ICMP
14. Def. of Coupling
15. Function pts used in - Software analysis
16. Can DFDs be used in OO Model
17. Protected members in Public class can be accessed by - Don't
the choices.
18. Message to A from B, So B will use- A's private key or A's public
key or
B's private key or B's public key.
19. No. of lines req. to completely connect n nodes - O(n*n)
20. Something on NFS
21. Something on Threaded trees
22. N=2 exp(p) routers, what is the max. hops req. to send a message
the farthest two
23. Diff between 3rd and @nd normal form
24. Which is not client server- email access, web access, NFS,
25. Data structure used to sort direct access or disk files.
26. Least avg waiting time - Shortest job first algo
27. Something on JAVA interface
28. For arithmetic expression evaluation using stack- postfix
29. For diskless systems - RARP
30. Something on dirty bits
31. Something on downloading of Java
32. Bubble sort
33. How to define constant pointer in C
34. Char*(*(*A[X])())() is what
35. Every shared resource has a colocated resource manager for -
control,location transparency,replication transparency
36. Can a computer have more than one Domain address and more than one
37. Which searches best in binary tree- ht. Balancing, wt. Balancing,
38. Heap management is done by library routine - user procedure in user
mode, user proc. In kernel mode, kernel,
39. Something on regression testing
40. IPV6 address bits -128 bits
41. Something on raw IP
40 questions in all, +3 for correct ans ; -1 for wrong one;

1)Question on probability: whats prob that a no b/w 100 & 999(both
inclusive) will not have 7?

2)A question on RARP protocol

3)An algo was given and it was asked as to what does it do??
Ans: evaluate GCD of two numbers

4)a question on cache memory: Disadv of Direct mapped cache memory

5) One question on digial circuits. There were two input variables and
to assign them some values to get the output to be X' + Y;

6)If X'*Y = X+Y and z=X*Y then what is z*X
my answer was not matching any of the alternatives

7)If A and B r two sets then (A-B) U (B-A) U (A intersection B) is:

8)One question on newton Raphson method find solution to X(square) -
with initial itertion x=-1

9)A procedure was written and it was asked what will be the result if
procedure calling is call by value, call by reference, call by name etc

10)One question on Page replacement algorithm asking which algo is most
Ans: The one where the page that will not be used for max time in
future is

11)An IP packet can get struck into a circular loop while travelling,
field in IP header can prevent this::
(i)Source address (ii) destination address (iii) TTL(Time to live)
correct answer(iii)

12)In order to get numbers in sorted order out of a binary tree
Ans: we should do inorder traversal

13) There was a set of data given. U had to tell that How many nodes
will be
there on left and right subtrees, if they were inserted in given order

14) what tree has all the child nodes less than itself

15)Which type of data structures can have hetrogeneous elements
(i) array (ii) records (iii) file
Ans (iii)

16)Given bandwidth = 3000 and no of bits transferred per level =8 what
Nyquist's max bit rate?
Ans: use formula bitrate = 2*Bandwidth*log(to base 2)of no of bits per
level, therefore Ans=18000bps

17)One question on pulse code modulation. If i remember correctly it
was :
why is it used or when is it used??

18)One question on Graphs, as i haven't done graphs i don't exactly
the question. I guess it was degree of graph given no of nodes and

19)Given a recursive function
function X(int A)
If (A<3)
X=X(A-1) + X(A-3) + 1

U had to tell how many calls does X(X(5)) will make??
Don't remember the answer exactly, but u can work it out!!

20)How many 4 input multiplexers u need to make a 16 input
Ans: 8

21)What is the worst case for Booth's multiplication algo?

22)SOme question regarding size of ROM:If i remember correctly, it was:
multiplication of two 8-bit numbers, what should be the size of ROM?

This is all i could recollect!!

Difference between C and C++.
Interrupts, what r they and whats their significance.
C++: inheritance, polymorphism, friend classes etc.
Write an algo to insert a node into singly linked list at a given
B+ tree.
Difference between Win 95 and Win NT.
Regarding the project i m doing in my training.
difference b/w token bus, token ring and ethernet
Multithreading and multitasking.
A few questions on tree balancing , AVL trees and Red Black trees
A question on pointers to pointer,
what do u mean by char ** a[35]
Also asked what is hash table and where it is used??

In OS , semaphores (Ch 6) is most important, and then process
memory management is what u should be thorough with (Ch 4, 8 & 9) Ch 5
easy and least important!!

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